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    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower

    Clip Description

    Ninja decided to have a shower in victim's apartman but she got ambushed there by unknown man.

    elements: shooting to belly, breasts and heart, laser dot, fake blood + digital blood effects, flying bullet effect in slow motion, heart beating and failing sound, back arching, bikini set, 4K

    Clip Duration:      7 minutes
    Format Size
    mp42033.51 MB

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    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower

    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower

    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower

    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower

    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower

    Wanda fantasy - Ninja ambushed in shower
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elements: K.O. by hit to the head, strangling, garroting, stabbing, shooting, arrowing, staking, digital blood, fake blood, long agonies, 4 death scenes, fake deaths, surprise end and more.

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